Monday, April 18, 2011

My Bookshelf

One Day by David Nicholls was not a book I'd heard about before I purchased it. I was on - where one living in the Netherlands has to order their English books from - and it kept popping up in the 'things you might like' or whatever that category was. It had lots of great reviews, so I bought it.

I finished this on the train, somewhere between Switzerland and Austria. Sadly, I have to say, I was a little disappointed. I'm not sure if I was too young for it, or if it was too British for me, but I wasn't enthralled by it. Don't get me wrong, it is an interesting story told in an interesting way, following two people over the course of say 20ish years and where they are every year on a specific day, how their lives are interrelated, how they change, love, heartache, death, etc., this book has got it all. And in that sense it was enjoyable. I think that I just found it a little lackluster.

I've heard they are making a movie out of it, so maybe that'll be good. I think I'm just kind of on the fence about it, didn't really love it nor did I hate it. Good summer read though. Nothing too complex and it was easy to relate to the characters. Maybe you just need to have a few more years on you to appreciate the changes of life.

It is a really big hit in Britain right now, have you read it? What did you think?

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