Monday, October 25, 2010

I Love...


I don't understand or comprehend why people don't like veggies, or refuse to eat them. I've never really been a sweet tooth - I rarely every crave sweets or chocolate - but when I go too long without some great veggies I know exactly what to do. Yum! I love (almost) all of them. Give me a little ranch dip and some fresh chopped veggies - perfection. I love eating a variety of veggies as well - not sticking just to one.

I could also go on a rampage telling you about how I HATE "baby carrots" they don't even taste like anything other than watery chemicals. I love going to the Farmer's Market to pick up real carrots that actually taste like real carrots. Takes me back to growing up with a huge vegetable garden in the back yard of my house. We had all sorts of veggies, carrots, peas, potatoes, different varieties of lettuce, etc! It was great. When we played in the back yard and we wanted a snack we would grab a carrot out of the ground, wash it off under the hose and keep right on playing. Fabulous!

I just recently starting eating peppers - they are pretty tasty - and definitely something I didn't really have a taste for a few years ago. One things I'll never have a taste for is celery! the worst of all vegetables and not just because it is stringy and has a taste that overpowers all other tastes - no matter how small the bits - it is practically all water. Nonsense.

So go grab a bottle of ranch and a mushroom - it is delicious!


  1. 1) I LOVED your big garden as a kid, and can still taste those carrots too.
    2) This reminded me when we were in Montana that time and after dinner Mom was like, do you want some cake or ice cream (or whatever it was) you were like "nah, I will have an apple"...hah.. I thought you were crazy. Kudos to you!

  2. Blllaahhhh mushrooms! Lame. All the others are good though :)

  3. Haha! What a dork I was! I would totally have cake now-a-days. I was too good for my own good.

  4. I agree it doesn't make sense why people turn their noses up at fruit and vegetable, I think they are great since you can eat them cooked or raw and can do so many different things with it. They say though it depends on if parents are fussy eaters themselves... you had a vegetable patch to encourage you, my dad hated meat so my mum or dad would cook 2 different meals and we eat both. Also my dad went to a market in the next town and would come home with bags full of fruit/veg for us to enjoy.

    Celery is the only vegetable I don't like either, the way it makes my mouth feel urgh!
