Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekends hold such possibility.

At least more weekends holds such possibility. Not this one, this one holds two (full) days of work at my second job, but I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that I have yet to figure out when I will have time to do my laundry - and I desperately need to do my laundry.

One of my favorite ways to spend my weekends is by doing nothing. Well not nothing nothing. I'm talking do everything at a leisurely pace, don't really make any plans, watch movies, sleep in, and relax because I spend enough time during the week running around that the weekend should be for calm.

Sadly there seems to be some sort of stigma against the 'no plan' weekend. People look at you like 'really? you have no friends to see? no exciting event to attend? what a life you must lead' and to those people I say pish-posh. The art of slowing down and relaxing is not one that should be taken for granted, and one that I think more and more requires practice. So here is to a weekend of doing nothing - I hope you can enjoy it while I go to work all day ;)

Don't worry about me though, I'll take next weekend to do absolutely nothing, and love it.